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Amazon Highlights Low-Cost Advantage in Generative AI Competition

Jul 13, 2023 #AI, #Amazon
Amazon Generative AIAmazon Generative AI

Amazon’s cloud division, Amazon Web Services (AWS), aims to distinguish itself from competitors in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) by emphasizing its competitive pricing strategy, according to an executive statement on Tuesday.

Dilip Kumar, Vice President overseeing AWS’s applications group, highlighted the substantial computing power required to train and operate AI models like the viral chatbot, ChatGPT. AWS excels at reducing such costs, providing a significant advantage in the market.

Furthermore, Amazon, like Google, possesses proprietary AI chips, which can potentially enhance its capabilities in this domain.

Kumar stated during the Reuters MOMENTUM conference in Austin, “These models are expensive. We’re taking on a lot of that undifferentiated heavy lifting, so as to be able to lower the cost for our customers.”

As the world’s largest revenue-generating cloud provider, Amazon faces significant competition. Rivals such as Microsoft and Google have marketed their proprietary technologies more prominently, gaining mindshare and securing some business in the promising field of AI. However, Amazon aims to leverage its cost-efficient approach to appeal to customers and maintain its competitiveness in the AI arena.