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What Personalized Hospitality Is and What It Isn’t

May 27, 2024 #Hospitality, #Hotel

In my role as a hotel conference speaker and opinion writer, staying current with the latest innovations and tech solutions is crucial. Each day, I start by reading several lodging industry eNewsletters, with a particular interest in headlines featuring “personalized” or “guest hospitality.” However, despite the frequent mention of these terms, many articles seem to focus on new tech or AI-powered solutions that fall short of delivering genuine personalization to guests.

Defining Personalized Hospitality

According to Google, personalization is “the action of designing or producing something to meet someone’s individual requirements.” While this definition technically aligns with the tech-driven efforts many corporations employ, true personalization, in my view, is best achieved through human interaction.

Misconceptions of Personalization

Here are some examples of what true personalization is not:

  • Seeing your name on the TV screen when entering a guest room.
  • Receiving a generic text from a “Virtual Concierge.”
  • Getting automated emails thanking you for being a valued guest and asking for reviews.
  • Push messages from an app addressing you by name.
  • Emails promoting upgrades and add-ons using your name.

True Personalized Hospitality

Conversely, these are examples of genuine personalized hospitality:

  • A front desk clerk who acknowledges you by name and remembers greeting you earlier.
  • Staff recommending relevant add-ons, such as a suite for a family or a wine pairing.
  • A bartender who recalls your favorite drink.
  • A housekeeper leaving extra towels or specific coffee pods based on your preferences.
  • Hotel staff greeting you warmly in hallways or elevators.
  • Staff offering local insider tips on dining and activities.
  • Personalized greetings beyond scripted messages.
  • Genuine conversations about your travels or interests.
  • Sincere compliments on unique personal items or attire.
  • Inquiries about your hometown or travel experiences.

The Role of Tech and AI

While technology and AI can enhance certain aspects of hospitality, it is ultimately the human touch that creates lasting guest loyalty. Hotel leaders should focus on training and empowering their staff to deliver truly personalized experiences.


In a competitive hospitality landscape, where many aspects such as location, product, and price are similar, it is the genuine interactions and personalized service provided by your people that set your establishment apart. Investing in your team’s ability to deliver authentic hospitality will create enduring guest loyalty.

Since 1996, Doug’s monthly training articles have been published worldwide, making him one of the most widely read hospitality industry authorities. Doug has been writing for 4Hoteliers.com since the year 2001.

Visit KTN at www.kennedytrainingnetwork.com or email him directly [email protected]Doug is the author of “So You REALLY Like Working With People? – Five Principles for Hospitality Excellence.” As originally published in CoStar/HotelNewsNow