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UK Hospitality Sector Faces Ongoing Staffing Shortages

Jul 11, 2023 #Hospitality
Hospitality Staff ShortageHospitality Staff Shortage

The UK’s hospitality sector continues to grapple with staffing shortages, leading to concerns about its ability to meet demand during the busy summer holiday season. The shortage of workers in the industry is exacerbated by the effects of Brexit, prompting calls for the UK to allow European Union (EU) workers into the country to alleviate the post-Brexit labor shortfall.

Staffing Crisis in Hospitality:

According to UK Hospitality, the trade body representing the sector, staffing levels are facing a “serious crisis,” with job vacancies currently 48% higher than pre-Covid levels. This shortage poses significant challenges for businesses operating in the hospitality industry, hindering their capacity to handle the surge in demand expected during the summer period.

Calls for EU Workers:

George Eustice, a former government minister, has called for the UK to open its doors to EU workers in order to address the labor shortages caused by Brexit. Allowing EU workers into the country would provide much-needed relief and help alleviate the strain on businesses struggling to find sufficient staff.

Government Response:

The UK government has stated that businesses can hire staff under its points-based immigration system. However, the efficacy of this system in addressing the staffing crisis remains a topic of discussion, as the industry contends with ongoing labor challenges.

The UK’s hospitality sector is facing persistent staffing shortages, creating concerns about its ability to meet the demands of the summer holiday season. Brexit has further compounded the problem, prompting calls for the UK to welcome EU workers to alleviate the labor shortfall. As the industry continues to grapple with staffing challenges, finding effective solutions to address the ongoing crisis remains crucial for the sustainable operation of businesses in the hospitality sector.