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DigitalOcean Feels the Impact of Cloud Computing Slowdown

Aug 8, 2023 #Cloud Services
Digital Ocean

As businesses of all sizes seek to control costs in an uncertain economy, cloud computing has become a prime target for cost-cutting measures. Major cloud platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure have already experienced a significant slowdown as customers optimize their spending. While AWS grew by 12% year over year in the second quarter, Azure saw 26% growth.

DigitalOcean, a cloud service provider focused on serving developers and small businesses, is now feeling the effects of this slowdown. While its customer base may be more sensitive to market changes than enterprise-heavy cloud giants, the smaller businesses it caters to may have less room to trim their cloud computing expenses. Large enterprise customers with distributed cloud resources across various teams may have let their cloud spending escalate, but smaller businesses with lower monthly bills are also starting to feel the pinch.

In the second quarter, DigitalOcean’s revenue increased by 27% year over year, but the real concern lies in its guidance for the third quarter. The company expects a significant slowdown in growth during this period, prompting it to revise its full-year guidance to reflect weaker demand for cloud computing services.

For the third quarter, DigitalOcean anticipates generating revenue between $172.5 million and $174.0 million, only a 13% growth rate compared to the same period last year. Furthermore, the company has cut its full-year revenue guidance, now expecting revenue in the range of $680 million to $685 million, as opposed to the previously projected $700 million to $720 million. This new guidance represents a modest 18% growth rate at the midpoint compared to 2022.

The cloud computing slowdown has undoubtedly impacted DigitalOcean’s growth prospects, highlighting the broader challenges faced by cloud service providers in the current economic climate. As businesses continue to navigate uncertainty, cloud providers will need to adapt their strategies to stay resilient in the competitive cloud computing market.