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Embedding Sustainability as a Tangible KPI in Business Operations

Aug 9, 2023 #Sustainability
Sustainability KPI

Amid the transformative influence of big data, machine learning, and groundbreaking advancements in AI, such as large language models, the global landscape is evolving. However, these innovations are not without consequences, particularly when it comes to the environment. The growth of technology carries an environmental toll, evident in the exponential increase of carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. The tech sector contributes significantly to this, accounting for nearly 3% of global emissions, a number projected to rise as the digital revolution gains momentum, according to the UN.

As a critical component of this technological surge, organizations are being called upon to take responsibility for evaluating the environmental impact of their endeavors, reassessing their practices, and championing eco-friendly approaches to enhance sustainability and mitigate potential damage within a limited time frame.

Joshua Parker, Senior Director of Corporate Sustainability at Western Digital, underscores the environmental cost of technology, stating, “Both in terms of material resources and energy emissions, technology exacts an environmental toll. Navigating the delicate balance between fostering innovation’s growth and minimizing its impact represents a uniquely intricate challenge. However, technology leaders are uniquely positioned to confront this challenge, as creative problem-solving is inherent in their roles.”

Following the Data: The Dual Benefits of Sustainability on the Bottom Line

Incorporating sustainability as a fundamental business strategy necessitates empowering employees to uncover eco-friendly opportunities across departments, regardless of their roles. This approach yields a direct impact on employee engagement, recruitment, and retention. Notably, organizations driven by purpose demonstrate a 40% higher retention rate compared to their counterparts. The alignment of sustainable practices with core business values not only bolsters environmental stewardship but also translates into tangible advantages for the organization’s overall performance and its ability to retain a committed workforce.