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Enhancing Enterprise-Level Organizations with Cloud-Based Video Technology

Jul 31, 2023 #Cloud Platform
Enhancing Enterprise-Level Organizations with Cloud-Based Video Technology

Safeguarding a business’s workforce, customers, and the wider public is an invaluable commitment. Any investment made to ensure the safety and security of people is undeniably worthwhile. Traditional video security systems have already proven their financial benefits, from deterring thieves and vandals to resolving liability disputes. A mere fraudulent slip and fall incident captured on camera can save a business substantial sums in legal fees and potential settlements. However, the potential of video technology extends far beyond security and loss prevention, offering significant contributions to fulfilling business objectives.

The Evolution of Video Technology With the rise of data-driven video technology and the adoption of cloud-based video management solutions (VMS), conventional video surveillance systems are being transformed into powerful business management tools. The integration of video analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning enables these technologies to effectively process and analyze vast quantities of video and data streams from multiple sources, including specialized cameras, sensors, and existing facility systems.