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China’s Automobile Exports Exceed 2 Million Units in H1

Jul 14, 2023 #China
China Automobile ExportsChina Automobile Exports

China’s automobile export industry witnessed a remarkable surge in the first half of 2023, with the country exporting over 2 million units, driven by robust demand in the global market. The export volume of automobiles reached a staggering 2.14 million units, surpassing the total export figure for the entirety of 2021 and showcasing a substantial year-on-year increase of 75.7%.

A noteworthy contributing factor to this growth was the emergence of new energy vehicles as a significant source of expansion. In the first six months of the year, China exported 534,000 units of new energy vehicles, indicating a remarkable growth rate of 1.6 times compared to the same period in the previous year. To meet the escalating export demand, Chinese automotive manufacturers and shipowners have been proactively expanding their car carrier fleets through newbuilding orders.

China’s impressive performance in the automobile export sector reflects its continued dominance and competitiveness in the global automotive market. With the demand for new energy vehicles on the rise, Chinese manufacturers are well-positioned to capitalize on this trend and further strengthen their presence in the international automotive landscape.